Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring forward with slimming, refreshing Popeye!

As Spring approaches, our bodies naturally want to cleanse and shed a layer of insulating winter weight.  Partners Tea Company's Popeye blend is the perfect tea for this season.  It is slimming and energizing and makes a great get well or energizing tea.
When I created it, I was going for something like a healthy,  herbal Red Bull.  It tastes great.   Here is what is in it--
Yerba Mate- a South American herb that is known to be slimming, energizing and god for mental focus.
Green tea- full of polyphenols and anti-oxidants, known to be slimming also and anti-viral, anti-cancerous and .  Great for digestion and skin.
Ginger- Good for digestion, warming.
Lemongrass- Cleansing for the liver, kidney and digestive tract.  A diuretic.
Peppermint-Diuretic, good for IBS and other stomach issues.
Goji berries Good for longevity, vision, fertility, skin conditions and numerous other benefits.

Iced Popeye is healthy and delicious!  Making it is easy, just steep one of or tea sachets in hot water, allow to cool, chill in the fridge.  Serve with ice, mint, lime and put it in your glass with ice.  You can add agave or turbinado sugar. Iced Popeye also makes a great Mojito if you add Rum and fresh mint.

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