Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New CFO, New Puppy, New Apron!

We are so happy and thankful that Karla Diehl has joined Partners Tea Company as our new Chief of Operations and Finance!   Here is a picture of Karla with her new puppy, Cayenne,  sporting our new Partners Tea Company aprons!

Don't let the apron fool you-- this lady is a management maven.  As the chairwoman of Edison Automation, Inc., she profitably managed the $16 million Inc 500 award winning company through 316% growth!  Look out, Lipton!   With a BS in International Trade and Finance and an MBA from Vanderbilt's Owen School of Management, she is especially good at developing operational systems and infrastructure and working with a diverse range of people.  That is thanks to her endless optimism and positive spirit!
She's still having a bit of culture shock though, having moved from the mostly male automation industry to...tea.  Imagine trading your hardhat in for a pretty green apron and your industrial warehouse for a sunny porch!   We think it s a good fit and are happy to have a new mascot in Cayenne as well!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring forward with slimming, refreshing Popeye!

As Spring approaches, our bodies naturally want to cleanse and shed a layer of insulating winter weight.  Partners Tea Company's Popeye blend is the perfect tea for this season.  It is slimming and energizing and makes a great get well or energizing tea.
When I created it, I was going for something like a healthy,  herbal Red Bull.  It tastes great.   Here is what is in it--
Yerba Mate- a South American herb that is known to be slimming, energizing and god for mental focus.
Green tea- full of polyphenols and anti-oxidants, known to be slimming also and anti-viral, anti-cancerous and .  Great for digestion and skin.
Ginger- Good for digestion, warming.
Lemongrass- Cleansing for the liver, kidney and digestive tract.  A diuretic.
Peppermint-Diuretic, good for IBS and other stomach issues.
Goji berries Good for longevity, vision, fertility, skin conditions and numerous other benefits.

Iced Popeye is healthy and delicious!  Making it is easy, just steep one of or tea sachets in hot water, allow to cool, chill in the fridge.  Serve with ice, mint, lime and put it in your glass with ice.  You can add agave or turbinado sugar. Iced Popeye also makes a great Mojito if you add Rum and fresh mint.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Women on the Edge of Evolution

I just received this exciting opportunity from Kim Ribbins at BIONEERS and wanted to share it...
Nina Simons is currently participating in the United Nations Conference on the Status of Women, Beijing + 15 and she wanted me to let you know that she'll be talking about this experience as well as covering key ideas about Women's Leadership and relating some of nature's solutions for our modern world challenges in an intimate and free-ranging conversation as part of the groundbreaking FREE teleseries "Women on the Edge of Evolution."

The call will be this Wednesday, tomorrow, March 3rd at 5:30 p.m. PST with a half hour Q & A session from 6:30 p.m. PST.

You can listen live on the phone, online or download the recording any time.

Click on the following link to register for FREE http://womenontheedgeofevolution.com/.

Once you register for the teleseries, you'll receive an email with the access codes for Wednesday's call.

From her catbird seat as co-producer of Bioneers for 20 years, Nina has a uniquely systemic overview of the environment, health, human development and social justice movements, with a particular passion for racial justice, intergenerational dialog and connecting people across differences.

Nina, like all of the women leaders participating in the series have generously volunteered their time and their wisdom so that as many of us as possible can come together to awaken our power to shape the future, liberate our leadership skills and make a difference. She will also be previewing the upcoming Cultivating Women's Leadership Training in Sonoma in April.

By connecting with "Women on the Edge of Evolution"you'll also have access to dialogues with over 20 of the world's leading female luminaries, artists and agents of change including Jean Houston, Vicki Robin, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marianne Williamson, Elza Maalouf, Joan Borysenko, Alanis Morissette, Rickie Byars Beckwith, Melissa Etheridege, and others.

Click Here to Register Now